Hey Miss Fashion Global Models!

Our team has some exciting news for you! As we countdown to our Competition Weekend, we wanted to incorporate a fun way to express yourself and let you all know how valued you are by our company! 

Miss Fashion Global prides itself on stepping out of the box when it comes to the modeling world. We continuously strive to be diverse and stray away from the societal norms of what a model should be. All women are beautiful and we should praise that. We know that all of our models come from different backgrounds and face different obstacles, which is why we wanted to start a fun new TikTok challenge to get us excited for November!

The  Make Your Own [RUN]way CHALLENGE

So here’s the idea: This is a time to show your strut from anywhere. Make a TikTok showing your runway strut (while dressed in your cutest outfit and MFG Sash, of course) and tag us! Easy as 1,2,3!  This is where it gets creative; this can be done ANYWHERE. Show us your strut from your front yard, the beach, the mall, practically anywhere! We want to show the world that it’s not about where you are, it’s about who you are. You are all fantastic models and we want to exhibit that on AND off the runway!

This is the link to our TikTok for a helpful info video from Cordia Shaw and Kimberly Thompson: https://www.tiktok.com/@missfashionglobal

Thank you for everything you guys have done in preparation for this event. 

Give us what you got, we can’t wait to see it!